Intro - Icosahedron Hydrogen Generator Fuel Systems Inc.

No sarcasm here:

Hydrogen is not a fossil fuel, when it burns it transforms back into water vapour and usually condenses into water. Who would have known that combining two gases, the perfect liquid is created, water? Who could have known, that separating the hydrogen from the oxygen, the two gases could be combined and burned, basic combustion thermophysics?

The sun itself, like other stars, appear to be self regeneraing hydrogen generating fuel systems, and interesting research and discovery has been done concerning the sun and related stars by astronomy scientist, of which we hope to include links here…but of course that is in the range of millions of degrees, and in case you didn't know, the sun is responsible for global warming, otherwise we would be a block of ice, not a planetaty jewel of life and opportunity spinning around, in addition to slight variations of the earths orbit, which if exceeded could and has caused many ice ages which are useful for dealing with rogue civilizations that just can't get along, since God does not need to send aliens, we may have the privilege of chilling out for a while, (for Canadians, this is great news, the more snow and ice the better, snow shoes and ski doos, no problem, fire from ice, all in a days work).

We like to ramble…with equations…

So now, since many people like talking about privilege, we can present an equation; Let "P" equal privilege, P= results generated from character, true values, real families, character building, civilized ethics, creative imagination, hard work, industry, investing and custom building all kinds of stuff, with applied and experimental research and development, basic super achievement, logic, inventions and innovation, self discipline, altruistic moral code, moral courage, this can be augmented and amplified with successful mission tasking and a corresponding increased levels of trust and in trust, whereas reputation is what people think you are, and character is what you are when they are not looking, let "p" equal pro-active co-efficient, let "r" equal, the resolution to succeed, let "G" represent God which can often magically make other useful things appear from out of nowhere, such as providience, syncronicity, luck, in your zone and angelic intervention, these and others witll be known as "x", let x represent the unknown variable, le "p1" represent proximity and "r1" represent the magnitude of resolution, let "ICI" represent individual creative imagination, let "E" represent effort, let "F" represent focus, let "PX" represent purpose, Let "V" represent vision, let "T" represent tenacity, let "A" represent audacity, let "g" represent the goddess, let "h" represent heaven or hell, depending on what you make of your time on earth, let "PR" represent personal responsability, let "pr" represent publicity or public relations, obviously I could go all day with that, and this will be continued…with an increased ability to be annoying, intelligent and funny at the same time….

Incidently, we are carbon based life forms, and if you don't like the facts, feel free to create your own galaxy, space time continuum, planets, biology and good luck with plants, because the plants on this planet convert carbon dioxide into oxygen by photosynthesis, in case you are a victim of dumbed down education, globalilst mainstream fakestream media or totally don't remember basic bio-physics of life, like many people, and while you are at it develop an advanced civilization, economic system and oh yeah, fuel systems if you need those or might like them for a reminder of a past life, you can create your own government too, one based on peace, order and good government where brilliant individuals live in an environment conducive to advanced technology development and deployment in addition to building a civilized advanced civilization.

Mind you, if you really like freedom of choice, and since you may not have organized your life, someone most likely will do it for you, including all the thinking, and you ight not like it, for instance, an enviroment based on crime, treason, genocide, war and immorality, where good ideas will probably be suppressed, censored and never see the light of day…remember, once upon a time…in the beginning, there was…hydrogen…

How do you like a more modern version of political science? Maybe upgrade your map of reality and threshold of imagination and understanding for alternate reality and advanced technology. Pro-life or pro death? That is the question? Hydrogen or fossil fuels, no guilt complex trauma based mind control, only creative and relevant options you might like to consider…

Will the global warming crowd invest or make a custom order or even talk about this? No. Certainly not mainstream media, we are so lucky living in the realm. It is so incredibly mind boggling, the response and publicity concerning this endeavour from all those determined to eliminate fossil fuels. Incredibly, equally so are the political parties who make no mention of any of this or associated companies and technologies in fuel systems in general or those specifically. Thank God for that, nothing like being censored to our advantage to free up more time to conduct advanced research and succeed at mission tasking…but that is another story, the one that involves time travel…

Being a bit of a fossil myself, I find this alarming, (degree of response, publicity etc.) but expected and certainly predictable and hypocritical to say the least, which is not really the right word. Since right makes might, and white makes might, the white supremacist crowd is vindicated once again with pure inventive ability and individual creative imagination, so too bad for those who are anti white, as there is a "Restricted Technology" Order and "Official Secrets" so secret in fact it is not listed or explained in great detail like an almost total confession in a Patent Abstract. You would have to be altruistic with a guilt complex to make a total confession or disclosure, which would be a total breech of national security and stuff like that, not to mention proprietary technology and business information that you can't get by hacking a computer, hahahaha, and you simply can't acquire this technology (but in all probabilty - remember probabilty wave possibilty curve or something like that?) Maybe this was interesting, maybe it was annoying, maybe even entertaining eh? Obviously some people are more subtle than others, not counting subtle curves of an intriguing space time continuum, g, what really is interesting is being relaxed with blocks of creative time and doing experimental and applied research and development, custom made in Canada…of course you don't see the evidence of that…in stores, either foreign owned or by those who are more globalist in nature (aka canadian industrial genocide) and as a reminder, "Faith is the evidence of things not seen" so you may accept it on faith, right? Another good reason to invest in or contribute to or make a special order concerning, a really good weapons program, that includes truth, gunznammo, cruise control remote deployment and things like that. Since some people are working from nuke proof underground caverns carved, or machined out of solid rock, as in Canadian Shield granite, not any wannabe rock, but the real deal, or floating or submergd in the vast expanse of water, which could be almost anywhere on earth as a planet, with the 75% or so covering the surface, so lots of room to experiment and not be found, nothing to worry about except playing golf (great scott!) and drinking beer (drop shipped by RCAF or Comeau Aerospace Inc. as they are both into adventure and targets) and eating poutine (not cooked with GMO canola)…everything else is really classified and by now you might figure that freedom of choice offers possibilities that would not otherwise exist, lucky for you eh! Lucky for us, nothing like providence and privelege of being a super achiever or having a chat with God evey now and then, right? Hydrogen is the ultimate fuel, the sun is hydrogen, it usually regenerates hydrogen (unless a bad robot or someone who is not a team player is not doing "their job" hahahaha, it is the first on the periodic table of elements, extremely light, pretty much invisible and very explosive, (which almost sounds like the female symbol description found on a material safety data sheet i know, but trust me, not the same thing….now back to hydrogen…

Which reminds me the first time I made hydrogen from water was with water from the ditch, and this also reminds me of the saying, "I have had so much to do with so little for so long, now
, I can do anything with nothing" and yes, I ignited the hydrogen with a Bic lighter, which is nothing like the "cigar lighter" that operates more like an after-burner on an Orenda jet engine (which has the world record of the longest continuous run time in full afterburner for about 1,000 hours), so this cigar lighter, according to a mostly classified astral time travel event, will be available at a certain jewelry store in the near future, which will converge soul mates and soul groups to build great things together. This is really extremely good news, fantastic in fact! Imagine, water… hydrogen, lighting up a smoke or just burning fuel, creating thrust…now isn't that kinda kool in a thermo-dynamic combustion physics sort of way, eh? Now, how convenient would it be to have a lighter like that stashed under your building plans sitting on the tailgate of your truck? Kind of like having a cold beer and mutual agreement for a rendezvous with a certain goddess, right? The future already happened, white? Did you catch that? See it, believe it, transform thought into reality…

Will governments legislate the use of this technology? Will they even consider something like : Super Atomized Fuel Systems Inc., Vapour Induction Fuel Systems Inc. or even Super Carburetor Inc.? Ya, what a compromise, let the secret out of the vault, dust off the tech, build a new machine, tinker with fuel systems just for fun, go forward in time, think about what might exist, part of your life and everyday experience…Will mainstream news talk or write about this, any of it? Eh? This does not depend on that. This & that is mutually exclusive, yet can be integrated and optimized and create all kinds of interesting possibilities, including new wealth creation, but we can do that any way to say the least, Strategic Enterprise Development Inc. is one of those possibilities, right?

more on climate change : You want to know about political science, ask your MP or MPP what they think about pollution free hydrogen since most likely they are programmed against fossil fuels and big oil, and while you are at it, ask if they can talk and write about Made in Canada, or better yet, ask if they ever talked or wrote about Made in Canada. Try not to embarrass them with real science, or record cold and snow or the super imposed globalist control freak agendas at work to ruin nation state sovereignty, our industries and quality of life, find out how to make friends and influence people. Of corse you may realize some people and organizations are all about treason and genocide, and Made in Canada pollution free technology and vehicles would not conform to their religious beliefs of liberalism, and be a conflict of interest somewhere with someone.

While you are at it, ask your investment advisor or wealth manager if they know about opportunities to invest in hydrogen technology or fuel systems, let us know what you find out…We are aure that you know more than they do…